傳統簽證: 常問問題 Visa Services

Regular Visa: Frequently asked Questions

Question: How long can I stay in India with my visa?

Answer: Continuous stay in India differs as per the type of visa applied for. For example, in Tourist Visa, one can stay in India continuously for 90 days. Likewise, in Business Visa, the continuous stay is 180 days.

Question: Can I enter India with just one day left for expiry date printed on my visa?

Answer: You are strongly advised not to do so. The period of validity of the Indian visa is effective from the date of issue and not from the date of entry.

Question: If I don't go to India through New Delhi, can I enter India through another airport?

Answer: Yes. Your Visa allows you entry through all international ports of India.

Question: My Visa is still valid, but my next visit to India will extend longer than the expiry date I have in my visa, what should I do?

Answer: You should apply for a new visa that will allow you to stay through the time you have planned.

Question: I work abroad most of the year; can I send my passport back to Taiwan and apply for a visa even when I'm not in Taiwan?

Answer: No. Unless a person is physically present in Taiwan, we cannot accept his application. You should either find a way to get back to Taiwan and apply for the visa or you can apply through the Indian Mission in the country you're working in. One can also consider applying for E-visa which is valid only for Tourism, Business and Medical purpose.

Question: I live far away from India Taipei Association; can I send my application through post?

Answer: No. We do not accept applications through post. In case you are living far away, you may apply through a travel agent, or a friend who is living in Taipei or through a courier.

Question: Do US passports need a visa to enter India?

Answer: Yes. All foreign passport holders need a visa to enter India.

Question: Do foreigners resident in Taiwan but not having a valid ARC apply for an Indian visa at ITA?

Answer: No. Only foreigners with a valid ARC can apply for a visa at ITA. Foreigners not having a valid ARC can apply in their country of origin or Indian missions in neighboring countries as the case may be. In addition, for foreigners with ARC, the ARC should be valid for at least the next 6 months. In cases where the remaining validity of ARC is less than 6 months, an additional 3 days would be needed to issue a visa.

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  • Address:Suite 1708, No. 333,Section 1, Keelung Road, Taipei 110, Taiwan
    Office Working Hours: 09.00AM-01.00PM | 01.30PM-05.30PM
    Consular, Passport & Visa Services Timings: 09:30 AM – 12:00 PM | 03:30 PM – 05:15 PM
    Telephone Numbers: (+886) 2-27576112 (For Consular, Passport & Visa Queries)
                                          & (+886) 2-27295154 (For general queries).
    Fax Number: (+886) 2-27576117

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